Lawrence Serafico

Lawrence is a writer who will go out of his way to find the best indie gems out there. Due to his background in political science and literature, he loves when games aren’t afraid of discussing their beliefs and philosophies, something you barely see with AAA titles. He primarily enjoys games with cryptic lore and an overwhelming amount of in-game text. When Lawrence isn’t writing about games you can find him listening to a podcast, reading a book, or attempting to cook a foreign recipe he saw online. He’s also involved with local theatre productions and is willing to stay up all night writing meticulous feedback on your manuscript.

Hollow Knight Traitor Lord Guide

Hollow Knight Traitor Lord Guide

Hollow Knight is known for its numerous engaging and punishing boss battles. Unfortunately, when the game was originally released, the Traitor Lord wasn’t one of them. Initially, he was too slow and only had two melee attacks which ripped of the regular Mantis Traitor. He was a glorified mob and a pushover, a disappointing end-game boss. The

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