Rollerdrome Enemy Guide

Rollerdrome Enemy Guide: How to Beat All Enemies

Rollerdrome invites you to throw yourself into the most violent skateparks in the world and survive in this spectacular title that combines extreme sports and action. Sounds inviting, right?

In this game, you will find an adventure that knows how to perfectly mix both genres, where one does not work without the other. You play as Kara Hassan, a debutant in Rollerdrome’s most crucial tournament who wants to survive and win the tournament and take revenge on her main enemy Casper Ix.

Your goal is to destroy all the enemies that appear in the arena in the shortest time possible and get the highest score possible but to achieve this, you will have to shoot in slow motion, perform tricks to get the ammunition, move around the stage and dodge the enemy’s attacks.

In the game, you will face all kinds of enemies. They will vary in size, gender, offensive mechanics, and mobility. Enemies will increase in quantity and complexity as you advance in each stage, which makes it necessary to learn the game mechanics quickly.

This game has it all: melee enemies with baseball bats that attack us melee when we approach them, snipers with long-distance rifles that aim at us from any part of the map, characters with missile launchers and shields that shoot a flurry of missiles, and enemies that deal AoE damage.

As you progress in the arenas, you find new enemies that combine the described mechanics or even surprise you with new ways of dealing damage.

In this Rollerdrome enemy guide, we will go over each and every enemy from Rollerdrome, analyzing their tactics and the best way to beat them.

My Bottom-Line Up Front

If you’d like to skip the fundamental analysis of each enemy, here is a quick rundown on how to beat them.

  • Grunt: easy meat, good for health
  • Sniper: not-so-easy meat, good for Super Dodges
  • Warhead: rapid fire to avoid shields
  • Riot Guard: there is no shame in the back shooting
  • Polybeam: no fire in the skating arena, Z-11 them to death
  • Mecha Brut: when a grenade goes into a flamethrower, it goes boom
  • Stomper: dodge the stomp, empty magazine OR stay away, Z-11 it down

Every Enemy, in Detail


rollerdrome grunt


Grunts are skinny enemies dressed in orange and black. They skate towards you and swing their bats in a pathetic attempt to kill you.

First appearance: Matterhorn Arena


The Grunt is the most basic enemy and will rarely damage you. The guy did bring a bat to a gunfight, to be fair. You can aim at them from a distance and shoot them out of the skate park. No problem.

Power tip

  1. Kill them for health. If you are about to die, look for Grunts in the arena. They are easy prey and can save your life.
  2. Take care of bigger prey first and let them gather around. If you kill a bunch of Grunts simultaneously, you’ll likely get a combo and, thus, a higher score.


Weapon Shots needed
Dual Pistol 4
Shotgun 2
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 1
Grenade Launcher 1
Z-11 1
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 1

You should always use a Dual Pistol on them, but if they are clustered, you can use a Grenade Launcher and finish all of them off at once.


rollerdrome sniper


The Sniper is a long-range enemy that can attack from any area of the arena. They are dressed in pink, yellow, and red and wear gigantic hats so you can spot them. What makes them a bit more challenging is that they, naturally, hold a sniper gun that deals immense damage.

First appearance: Matterhorn Arena


They usually stand high-up in some pillar or corner of the arena, so make sure you jump and head-shot them out of the game.

Power tip

When they are about to shoot at you with their laser, you will see a white beam. This is the perfect time to dodge if you want to increase your score. It also turns on your “Super Reflex Time.”

Once you get comfortable with them, you might want to keep them hanging around and farm the “Super Reflex Time.”


Weapon Shots Needed
Dual Pistol 8
Shotgun 4
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 2
Grenade Launcher 1
Z-11 2
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 1

Use a shotgun to blast them out of their pillars and slow them down, but make sure you get close before shooting.


rollerdrome warhead


Warheads are enemies dressed in all black. They hold a shield to protect themselves from your bullets, which presents a considerable challenge, and they shoot missiles that actively follow you around the arena, which, as you can imagine, can be heavily damaging.

First appearance: Pyke’s Canyon


If there is an interval between your shots, they will put up the shield. This fact rules slow weapons out of the game. So stick to fast weapons, or make sure you get past their defenses.

Power tip

Save your Z-11 for these guys. They are incredibly annoying and generate chaotic explosions in the entire arena.


Weapon Shots Needed
Dual Pistol 11
Shotgun 5
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 2
Grenade Launcher 2
Z-11 2
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 1

You could either waste your entire dual pistol magazine in killing them or make your way to their backs, and Slug Shot them.

Riot Guard

rollerdrome riot guard


Visually speaking, riot Guards are a yellow and orange version of Warheads. However, you’ll notice the difference in their tactics: they always have their shields up, are immune to dual pistols, and have two attacks. One of their attacks is throwing landmines your way, and the other is dealing shockwave damage to anything in front of them.

First appearance: Houston Mall


Their attacks are easy to dodge, so make sure you land that Super Dodge to go into Super Reflex Time. This will allow you to get behind them and blast them into space.

Power tip

While in Super Reflex Time, Dual Pistols will deal damage and are preferred, so make sure you take every chance you get.


Weapon Shots needed
Dual Pistol Immune
Shotgun 5
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 4
Grenade Launcher 2
Z-11 5
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 2

When depleting these guys’ shields, the Slug Shot Shotgun will be your best friend.


rollerdrome polybeam


Polybeams look just like snipers, but they have this annoying habit of teleporting, making them more challenging to deal with. Their laser is a bit more advanced: it stays active for extended periods and burns the surface it touches.

First appearance: Echo Basin


Should you farm this power beast that endangers your skating arena for the Super Dodges? For me, it’s a no. However, if you are a masochist and get used to dealing with them, you go for it.

If you pause in-between shots, they will teleport. Unfortunately, you’ll have to hunt them down each time they get away, so make sure that doesn’t happen as often.

Power tip

Farm other enemies to get Super Reflex Time and upload your magazine on this guy as soon as possible.


Weapon Shots Needed
Dual Pistol 14
Shotgun 7
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 4
Grenade Launcher 2
Z-11 3
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 2

Suppose you consider that this guy teleports whenever your gunfire halts, then the best weapon would be the one that takes fewer shots to kill him with: Z-11. If fully charged while on Super Reflex Mode, this gun should only take one shot to beat him into a pulp.

Mecha Brut

rollerdrome mecha brute


This guy is just basically a tank with four legs and two flamethrowers. Approach with care to avoid getting roasted, quite literally. Once you get rid of the flamethrower, he’ll replace them with two missile launchers. You really can’t win with him.

First appearance: Barbican Arena


Aim for the flamethrowers from a distance to avoid the fire. Then, once they have been taken down, look out for the missile launchers.

Power tip

Forget your Dual Pistols at this point. They might do damage in Super Reflex Mode, but it’s not worth it to take down each flame thrower independently.


Weapon Shots Needed
Dual Pistol Immune
Shotgun 14
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 10
Grenade Launcher 3
Z-11 7
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 4

Using your grenade launcher is an excellent way to take down the flamethrowers at once. It is even better to go into Super Reflex Mode and use your grenade launcher to take them down.


rollerdrome stomper


You made it! Final boss, everyone. As you guessed by the name, this intimidating guy angrily stomps the floor. I wish he were as wimpy as my previous statement made him sound, but it’s unfortunately not the case.

Stomper hovers above you and stomps down when he is in the correct position. After the stomp, he leaves a pool of acid behind. It’s safe to say that this is a one-shot attack. If he hits you, you’re done for.

First appearance: Green Bay Mall


This time, I will grace you with the power of deciding how to beat him.

Strategy A: Suicidal, if you ask me.

Wait until he hovers above you and begins to stomp down and dodge. With the right timing, you will have earned yourself a Super Reflex Mode boost and opened the window to success. All that is left is to pour your Dual Pistol or Shotgun magazine on him.

If the timing is not correct, however, it’s game over.

Strategy B: Safe yet dull, to be honest

There’s nothing like the thrill of being on the brink of death. But if you’re not willing to go through the trouble, you can take the safe route. You can still take Stomper out using your Grenade Launcher or Z-11 from a distance. It will take longer, sure, but you’ll be safe.


Weapon Shots Needed
Dual Pistol 18
Shotgun 9
Shotgun (Slug Shot) 5
Grenade Launcher 3
Z-11 4
Z-11 (Fully Charged) 2

Spider Tank MK 1 and Spider Tank MK 2

rollerdrome spider tank


These white eight-legged tanks come equipped with several attack moves, so be prepared to react accordingly to each of them. If you are feeling brave, you can skate on top of them.

Spider Tank MK 1 Moveset

Attack Description Counter
Machine Gun Fire Fires machine guns To avoid the straight line of fire, skate diagonally.
Rocket Barrage Fires rockets Dodging them is easy enough, but you can also shoot them in the air. The rockets have indicators on the ground, which makes them easy to dodge. You could also shoot them mid-air, but why waste ammo?
Landmines Throws landmines Dodge the mines and farm them to get into Super Reflex Mode.
Stomp Stomps at the ground, dealing AoE damage Dodge the red indicator on the ground as soon as it turns white.

Spider Tank MK 2 Moveset

This spider has its predecesor’s moves plus some new toys.

Attack Description Counter
Polybeam Cannon Fires a beam cannon To avoid the straight line of fire, skate diagonally.
Flamethrower Generates a wall of flames Use the ramps to get through them.
Enhanced Missiles Fires missiles, but they are better Don’t stand still


You already have your defensive strategy planned; now let’s move into the offensive one. The only way to get past its defenses is to find its orange glowing weak spot and throw a grenade.

(Pssst, it’s on the upper side of the tank.)

To access the top of Spider Tank MK 2, you’ll need to clear the enemies surrounding it first.


Question: Can You Use Your Grenades To You Into Super Reflex Mode?

Answer: As of today, you can throw a grenade, and if the timing of your dodge is perfect, you can farm it to go into Super Reflex Mode. This means you can use your ammo effectively to have the arena’s upper hand.

However, it would be best if you were careful of the chaos in the arena. The game may efficiently compute your dodge to an enemy laser target instead of your ammo. For this reason, I strongly recommend trying this trick when you’re not near other enemies.

Question: How Long Does Each Level Take?

Answer: You will enter closed levels with a series of objectives to complete. To unlock more stages, you’ll have to complete a series of goals in the levels you already have access to. The difference with Tony Hawk? That there is no time limit to complete the level, as it will end when you finish with all the enemies. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

Question: How Many Arenas Are There in Rollerdrome?

Answer: The only thing I missed was more variety of arenas. There are 4 (mountain base, canyon, mall, and generic track), which takes away from the “let’s see where we’re going to play next” excitement typical of arcade games.

Rollerdrome Enemy Guide: Parting Words

Once you master all the systems that make up Rollerdrome’s movement and combat, you can’t help but feel like an expert professional assassin. The adrenaline pumps through your veins as you use roller skates to eradicate most of your enemies with stunts and style.

An action sequence in which you jump across a halfpipe holding two guns, annihilate an enemy in mid-air, and then activate the Super Reflex Mode to launch a charged laser beam at another enemy at the opposite end of the battlefield feels like any action gamer’s wet dream.

Rollerdrome feels like a complete package of action and skateboarding style. It captivated me from the first moment I played it. At the same time, it has some weak aspects, like its narrative and bosses, but those details don’t take away from how awesome it can be.

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